Enfield First Ride

          It’s a long Story. In the year  2013 My exams got over , it was a starting of summer vacation. Usually as other day it was a normal day for me but nearly by 3 or 3:30 at the afternoon my brother arrived with an Enfield. On that time the impact of Royal Enfield on me was like its just an ordinary bike with huge engine and louder sound ; and being a nobbie I was eager to ride it. I told my brother to take me for a ride. As an ordinary bike I was trying to start it but it didn’t , then my brother told me that there’s a trick to start an Enfield.

      That was a thing which make an Enfield unique from other bikes. Since after that movement love for Enfield was getting more and more. Because of the specialty in it. Second thing was the sound which resemble with my heart beat. One more thing that made an Enfield Special for me was its  gear system which are on the opposite direction of the ordinary bike which makes the Enfield more unique. And the small light which give an Enfield a Elegance (devil) look. I still remember the 1st  kick back which injured my leg. To start an Enfield was not easy, to start it first we have to set the ampere meter at neutral  point by manual  decompressor so the kick get smooth and can easily get  started.
